Posts Tagged “Pipiwai Trail”

A giant banyan tree found along the Pipiwai Trail on Maui, Hawaii. Although I shot this photo with the intention of leaving it in color, during my processing I just wasn’t getting the look and feeling I wanted until I converted to black and white. Aperture: ƒ/5 Camera: Canon EOS 7D Focal length: 15mm ISO:…

This is my very first attempt at an HDR image. I don’t usually like HDR, but while I was in Hawaii I took a few photos with the specific intention of trying my hand at HDR processing. This particular image is an HDR combination of three exposures (highlights, midtones and shadows) that I then processed…

This is a closeup (not macro, of course) of some of the bamboo on the Pipiwai Trail on Maui, Hawaii. The entire forest was beautiful, with hundreds of photo opportunities to be found every few feet. I could have stayed lost on the trail for hours, maybe even days, just taking photographs of everything. Aperture:…