Posts Tagged “New Jersey”

One World Trade Center as seen from the Jersey side. Aperture: ƒ/11 Camera: Canon EOS 7D Focal length: 65mm ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 13s

Also taken a few months before Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. This was my first attempt at capturing light trails and my two assistants had a blast swinging their sparklers around on the dock. Aperture: ƒ/11 Camera: Canon EOS 7D Focal length: 30mm ISO: 200 Shutter speed: 10s

Taken on the Jersey shore in 2012, before Hurricane Sandy. Everything you see was completely destroyed by Sandy, including the dock I was standing on to take this photo. They should be mostly rebuilt by now, and one day I’ll visit my friends out there again and take another picture of the “new” homes and…