Posts Tagged “Luau”

My girls, enjoying the sunset as we prepared to sit down at our first family Luau. Aperture: ƒ/11 Camera: Canon EOS 7D Focal length: 15mm ISO: 800 Shutter speed: 1/50s

These are some of the female hula dancers at the Old Lahaina Luau. The show was better than the food, and the food was pretty darn good. Aperture: ƒ/1.4 Camera: Canon EOS 7D Focal length: 30mm ISO: 1600 Shutter speed: 1/160s

As can be inferred by the title, I took this photo while enjoying an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner at the Old Lahaina Luau. The food was good and the dancing, set to the theme of the history of the hula dance, was entertaining. The only thing missing was the more flamboyant fire dancing that can be…